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Sangria Spice & Everything Nice

Sangria Spice & Everything Nice

Easy 15 mins Beverage

15 mins



Prep + Cook Time

15 minutes


For 1 serving

Skill Level


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50ml Red Wine
25ml Cointreau
75ml Fruit Tree Fresh
Cranberry Pomegranate Juice
50ml Sunkist Apple Juice
2 dash of Cinnamon

5ml Simple Syrup
Fresh Red Apple Slices,
Orange Slices, Strawberries
1 Star Anise
1 Cinnamon Stick


  1. In a large vessel, mix all ingredients in and stir.
  2. Cover the mix and soak for at least 30 mins in the fridge.
  3. Serve with ice and garnish with fresh raspberries, cranberries and rosemary
  4. (Optional) Warm up cocktail over low heat and serve in a mug with a cinnamon stick.
4 years ago